Friday, June 18, 2010

Economic indicators and Idex 1 article

Key Indicators of Great Britain

Average earnings (including bonus) - The average earnings - The indicator is calculated by taking into account earnings growth over the past three months (taking into account all payments that were actually made, not "assessed") - This is a good indicator of future inflation, as growth in earnings, if it is not offset by productivity growth is the cause of rising prices. He is one of the defining indicators, according to which the Bank of England determines the level of interest rates.

CBI monthly industrial trends - Economic Survey of the British Confederation of Industrialists - Overview (in the form of digits) reflects business sentiment of businessmen about the state of the manufacturing sector of the economy. Review has no direct connection with the real prospects of economic development. Published monthly. The indicator is taken into account the market.

CBI retail sales volume balance - Economic Report on trade of British Confederation of Industrialists - Overview (in the form of digits) reflects business sentiment of businessmen on trade sphere. Review has no direct connection with the real prospects of economic development. The indicator is taken into account market. Published in the first days of each month at 11:00 GMT.

Claimant count rate - Unemployment - Claimant count - the number of applications for employment of unemployed in employment centers. The lower unemployment rate, the more people are paid, which may cause inflation. Have limited influence on the market. Published in the middle of each month at 09:30 GMT.

Consumer credit - consumer credit - reflects the extent of use by the public system of credit through credit cards, personal loan and hire purchase. Is an indicator of consumer demand. Great importance of this indicator shows that consumers are not afraid to "get into debt" to meet their material needs. However, the figures are often revised and have considerable seasonal variations. For example, the value of consumer credit is growing in anticipation of Christmas and New Year. Have limited influence on the market. The growth of the index value is a positive factor for the development of national economy and leads to a corresponding growth rate currencies. Published every month about 7-th number in the 20:00 GMT in the U.S. and in the end at 09:30 in the UK.

Gfk consumer confidence - consumer confidence index - The index measures the optimism of consumers. It may not reflect the real state of the economy. Have limited influence on the market. The growth of the index value is a positive factor for the development of national economy and leads to increased appreciation of the pound. Published in the last days of each month at 10:30 GMT.

Halifax house price index - The index of housing prices from the "Halifax" - represents a change in the level of housing prices and real estate. Calculated agency "Halifax", and may differ from the national indicator. Have limited influence on the market. Published in the last days of each month at 07:00 GMT.

M4 money supply - Monetary aggregate M4 (a measure of the money supply) - Includes the amount of cash currency in circulation, the total amount of loans issued by banks, as well as the amount of borrowing governments. M4 is considered a good indicator for the level of inflation. Is for informational purposes. Published in the last days of each month at 09:30 GMT.

Nationwide house price index - national index of house prices - represents a change in the level of house prices and property in the UK. Have limited influence on the market. Published in the last days of each month at 07:00 GMT.

PMI (CIPS manufacturing index) - index of business activity in the industrial sphere - It is a survey of purchasing managers in the industry. This index is used to assess changes in the new industrial orders, industrial output, employment, and inventories and the speed of the suppliers. Numbers below the "45-50" are an indicator of a slowing economy. Often the value of this index is more influenced by psychological factors rather than the actual state of affairs. Since the volume of industrial production is not automatically a source of consumer demand, then this indicator approach with caution. Has limited market influence. The growth index value leads to an increase in appreciation of the pound. Published in the first business day of each month at 09:30 GMT.

PMI (CIPS services index) - index of business activity in the services sector - It is a survey of managers in the services sector in order to assess changes in the industry. The numbers below the "45-50" are an indicator of a slowing economy. Often the value of this index is more influenced by psychological factors rather than the actual state of affairs. The process of consumption of services tends to change with a relatively constant rate, so the dramatic changes the value of this index is influenced by psychological factors. Therefore, when analyzing an index on a pay particular attention. Have limited influence on the market, although at times reverse the trend in the economy can play a significant role as a leading indicator. The growing importance of this index is a favorable factor for the rise of the pound. Published in the first days of each month at 09:30 GMT the day after the publication of the index in the industry.

PSNCR (Public Sector Net Cash Requirement) - The budget deficit - difference between income and expenditure budget. The indicator has little influence on the market. Published monthly in the 20x numbers in 09:30 GMT.

RPI - retail price index - Specifies the change level of prices for a basket of consumer goods. An indicator of inflation is the retail price index excluding interest payments on loans to purchase real estate (RPI-X). The retail price index, calculated on a uniform formula for comparison with similar indices in other countries, called harmonized (HICP). If the growth index exceeds the planned value, usually the Bank of England raises interest rates. Have a significant impact on the market. Published in the 20th of each month at 09:30 GMT.

Trade in goods - merchandise trade balance - a specific figure for the UK, because shows the balance of trade in goods only. The market pays more attention on this indicator, rather than the entire balance of trade. The index is published in the middle of each month.

Key Indicators in Germany

Export prices - prices for export - Index reflects price changes in exports for the month. Is an indicator of inflation. It has no effect on the market. Published every month since the 20 th number in the 07:00 GMT at the same time with the exponent "Import prices".

IFO - business activity index from the IFO - Review assesses the level of business activity in the country. The indicator value can vary from 80 to 120, 100 taken as the level of business activity in 1991. Have a significant impact on the market. The growth of this index leads to the growth of the euro. Published monthly on the third week of the month at 09:00 GMT.

Import prices - prices of imports - The index reflects the change in import prices for the month. Is an indicator of inflation. Since when calculating the consumer price index (CPI) recorded the prices of imported goods and services, then this value characterizes the contribution of import prices in the overall picture of change in retail prices of a basket of goods and services. Have limited influence on the market. In the standby increase in policy interest rates increase the index value leads to an increase in the base currency. In Germany, after being published in the 20's of each month at 07:00 GMT.

Industrial orders - orders in the manufacturing industry - The indicator shows the change in the number of orders for German companies. Reflect the perspectives of economic development. Have limited influence on the market. The growing importance of this index is a favorable factor for the growth of the euro. Published in the first ten days of each month at 11:00 GMT.

Wholesale prices - wholesale price index - reflects the change in the price level of large consignments. It is calculated as a weighted average of three components: domestic wholesale prices, wholesale prices for export and wholesale prices for imports. WPI is considered the best indicator of inflation than the CPI, as directly reflects the state of the business sector. Is an indicator of inflation. Have limited influence on the market. Growth index value has a negative impact on the euro. Published monthly in the second decade of 07:00 GMT.

Key Indicators of Japan

Leading and Coincident indicators - indices of leading and coincident indicators - Index of leading indicators is a weighted average of 13 major different indicators. Used to determine the future state of the economy. The index of coincident indicators is composed of 11 indicators and is designed to assess the current state of the economy (50% level indicator is a "zero"). Have little effect on the market. The final values are published in the middle of each month at 05:00 GMT.

Machinery orders - orders for engineering products - indicator reflects the level of investment firms and business activity. Shall be based on assessments of more than 300 industrial manufacturers. Have a significant impact on the market. Published in the middle of each month at 05:00 GMT

Tankan survey - Overview Readings - Quarterly Economic Review published by the Department of Research and Statistics of the Bank of Japan. Review is based on estimates of more than 8000 companies, firms and institutions on the following economic parameters: 1) the business environment, 2) the production and marketing, and 3) supply and demand, price level, 4) income, 5) direct investments, 6) employment 7) the tax conditions. Tankan is the most important indicator of the Japanese. Have a significant impact on the market. Issued quarterly.

Tokyo-area CPI - Consumer Price Index in the Tokyo area - in fact, measured by consumer prices in metropolitan Tokyo. The calculation is carried on the same principle as the national index. Published in the 20's of each month.

Key indicators of EMU:

HICP - Harmonised index of consumer prices - the official measure of inflation in the euro area and countries that it contains. Identifies change in the level of prices for a basket of goods and services. In calculating the index takes into account the prices of imported goods and services. Target mark on euro area inflation at the level of 2.0% per year. The European Central Bank believes that this quantity will reflect the price stability in the region. In addition, the growth index is much higher than 2.0%, the possibility of raising interest rates also increases.

Industrial orders - orders in the manufacturing industry - The indicator shows the change in the number of orders for production enterprises. Reflect the perspectives of economic development. Have limited influence on the market. The growing importance of this index is a favorable factor for the growth of the euro. Published in the last third of each month at 11:00 GMT.

Labor (Employment) cost index - Employment Cost Index - Indicator includes wages and unemployment benefits. It can serve as an indicator of the presence of inflation in the economy. Employment Cost Index is one of those indicators for which the ECB is closely monitoring the conduct of its monetary policy. Have limited influence on the market. In the standby increase in policy interest rates increase its value leads to an increase in the exchange rate. It is used for medium-and long-term forecasts.

M3 money supply - Monetary aggregate M3 (a measure of money supply) - Includes the amount of cash currency in circulation, money in checking deposits, deposits with maturities of less than 4 years. Bundesbank and European Central Bank consider it one of the most important indicators of inflation. Usually set the maximum acceptable value of the indicator (defined acceptable level of inflation), and in case of exceeding this value indicator, usually there is an increase in interest rates. Is for informational purposes. Published in the last days of each month at 09:00 GMT.

PMI - The index of business activity in the industrial sector - It is a survey of purchasing managers in the industrial sector. This index is used to assess changes in the new manufacturing orders, industrial output, employment, and inventories and the speed of the suppliers. The numbers below the "45-50" are an indicator of a slowing economy. Often the value of this index is more influenced by psychological factors rather than the actual state of affairs. Since the volume of industrial production is not automatically a source of consumer demand, then this indicator approach with caution. Have limited influence on the market. The growth index value leads to the growth of the euro. The composite index for the euro area is published in the first business day of each month at 09:00 GMT.

PMI (services) - The index of business activity in the services sector - It is a survey of managers in the services sector in order to assess changes in the industry. The numbers below the "45-50" are an indicator of a slowing economy. Often the value of this index is more influenced by psychological factors rather than the actual state of affairs. The process of consumption of services tends to change with a relatively constant rate, so the dramatic changes the value of this index is influenced by psychological factors. Therefore, when analyzing an index on a pay particular attention. Have limited influence on the market. The growing importance of this index is a favorable factor for the growth of the euro. The composite index for the euro area is published in the first days of each month at 09:00 GMT the day after the publication of the index in the industry.

A list of all the economic indicators

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